Peace Talks
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[News analysis] Xi Jinping's N. Korea visit indicates 4-party format…
Beijing’s growing role may signal progress in Korean Peninsula peace process
S. Korean pro-unification civic group to visit N. Korea
South Korea said Thursday it will allow the country’s major pro-unification civic group, chaired by a son of late President Kim…
2018 International Women Peace Walk Declaration
(Seoul) –– We are here today, as Korean women and 30 women security experts, peace activists and women’s rights organizations…
US Appeals to Increase Pressure on N Korea Will Impede Peace Process…
The Russian Foreign Ministry said Friday that it couldn't understand the US appeals to increase pressure on North Korea amid the…
Urge Foreign Ministers to Include Women in Peace Talks!
Urge Foreign Ministers to prepare the table for peace on the Korean Peninsula and include feminist women’s movements in peace…
Tillerson: US ‘probing’ North Korea’s interest in dialogue
BEIJING – The United States is probing North Korea to see whether it is interested in dialogue and has multiple direct channels…
5 Things to Watch For in North Korea's Peace Negotiations
Kim Jong-un has come into the negotiation process well prepared and with a strategy. The question is, are we?
Will Trump Win A Nobel Peace Prize? 2 Women Who Know What It Takes…
Last month, President Trump was nominated for a Nobel Prize for his peace building efforts on the Korean peninsula — and not for…
Trump - Runaway Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Kudos to President Donald Trump for demonstrating his diplomatic skills, savviness and flair for negotiations during the Korean…
Lessons from Korea
As hopes for peace and reconciliation surge in the Korean Peninsula after last week’s summit between the leaders of North and…
China must be part of Korean peace negotiations to prevent further…
Zhang Baohui says that as Korea peace talks expand to include the United States, the parties involved should consider adding…
‘Jilted bride’: As South Korea marks peace summit, North stays aloof
A screen showing a picture of South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, is seen during a ceremony…
Inter-Korean joint event marks 20th anniversary of Mount Kumgang…
The celebration event was held by DPRK's Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee and South Korea's Hyundai Group which invested in…
North Korea Fears Japan 'Invasion' as Abe's Victory Paves the Way for…
... Korean peninsula,” said a spokesperson for the country's Asia-Pacific Peace Committee, responsible for Pyonyang's external…
North Korea accuses Japan of 'hysteric' smear campaign
The Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee issued a statement, saying during the election, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had…
Delegation from North attends event in Gyeonggi
Among the two dropped from the delegation was Kim Song-hye, a director of the Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee (Kappc), who…
Trump says Tillerson 'wasting his time' attempting to negotiate with…
The Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee (KAPPC) has described USA president Donald Trump as an "old psychopath of America",…
North Korea Fires Another Missile Over Japan
The Korea Asia-Pacific peace committee, which oversees North Korea's relations with the outside world, issued a statement on…
Inter-Korean event to commemorate 20th anniversary of Mt. Kumgang…
Hyundai Group and N. Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee to act as joint hosts
Pompeo will travel to North Korea after postponing 2+2 with India
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who last week abruptly announced the postponing of the July 6 2+2 dialogue with India, will be…
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